
Enable and Energize: Create an Environment for People to Excel
Practical tools to foster top performance from every employee

Sacramento Campus

In their trusted book, The Leadership Challenge, authors Kouzes and Posner share their research and the five leadership practices, critical in today’s workplace. This class examines two of the practices – Enable Others to Act and Encourage the Heart. While straightforward, most managers find the exercise of these exemplary practices much more difficult. Through practical exercises participants study the building of trust, facilitation of relationships and practices to develop capacity in others. Recognizing one cannot motivate others, but can create an environment in which every employee feels motivated, the class looks at tools for recognizing contributions and commitments to shared values.Instructor: Bill Chiat, Dean of CSAC Institute. For the last 35 years he has facilitated executive leadership development with agency managers and executives, and served in senior executive roles.

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