
Unraveling Public Employment Pensions and Retirement Benefits
Better understand a major component of the county budget

Sacramento Campus

Provides a policy overview of county retirement systems and examines other post-employment benefits (OPEB) and their collective impact on county finances. It covers both PERS and 1937 Act programs, how they originated, the benefits, and how they are funded. Reporting requirements and county liabilities are part of the conversation. It unveils the mysteries of understanding costs and projections and explores options and case examples for funding, reforming and managing costs (including rate stabilization funds) of pension and OPEB systems. other post-employment benefits and their impact on county finances. An emphasis is placed on recent reforms to state law and county retirement systems and how is affecting county policies and operations.

Instructor: John Bartel is president of Bartel Associates, LLC and brings over 35 years experience in pension and retiree healthcare consulting.


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