CSAC Bulletin Article

Action Needed by May 1 to Receive Local SB 1 Funding

March 19, 2020

Counties are required to submit a Board-approved resolution including a proposed project list to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) each fiscal year prior to receiving SB 1 local street and roads funding. On March 20, counties may begin online submittal of FY 2020-21 Proposed Project List-Adopted Resolutions to the CTC via the CalSMART system. Final submittals are due by Friday, May 1, 2020.

CSAC has been in contact with Commission staff to begin discussing contingency plans if agencies encounter difficulties meeting deadlines due to the COVID-19 emergency. If your county expects to have any issues with meeting this deadline as a result of COVID-19, please inform Chris Lee immediately so CSAC can elevate the issue with the Commission and Administration.

Fiscal Year 2020-21 Local Streets and Roads Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account SB 1 Estimates are available on the CSAC website. While we expect to see decreased revenues due to the apparent reduction in fuel consumption in recent weeks, initial estimates from the Department of Finance will likely not be available until May.

The following documents provide additional assistance with the proposed project list adoption and submittal process:

Special Reminder for the Proposed Project List Adoption:

  • The proposed projects must be listed within the adopted resolution or referenced in the adopted resolution via an attachment.
  • The proposed project list-resolution adoption should not be combined with another budgetary or project funding action by the applicable city council/county board of supervisors.

Counties are encouraged to send their draft resolutions and project lists for adoption to CTC’s Local Streets and Roads team for review prior to taking them up for adoption.

If you have any questions, or would like further assistance, please email LSR@catc.ca.gov.

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