CSAC Bulletin Article

Out-of-County Foster Placement Issue Lingers

August 11, 2016

After nearly 18 months of sometimes rough negotiations, CSAC adopted a support position on AB 1299 as amended by Assembly Member Ridley-Thomas last month. The bill will now ensure timely mental health services for foster or probation youth who are placed out of the county of original jurisdiction. The Senate Appropriations Committee did not take up AB 1299 this morning. We are disappointed that the bill was not heard after all the effort that went into amending the bill from the author, sponsors, and stakeholders.

CSAC had worked closely with the author, the California Alliance of Child and Family Services, and the Steinberg Institute to amend the bill to both ensure the timely provision of services for foster youth who are placed outside of their original county of residence and clarify how out-of-county placement decisions are made. The mental health directors, welfare directors, and probation chiefs were also involved in the negotiations, and the author and sponsors incorporated many of the amendments suggested by counties in the August, 1, 2016, version of the bill. 

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