
Practitioner’s Guide to Hiring, Developing and Retaining Great Employees
Use the C-S-A-C method to hire, train, evaluate, praise, and promote

Sacramento Campus

This course is designed to help drastically reduce personnel problems with a systematic approach to hiring, retaining and rewarding the very best employees.  Additionally, the course will review the best practices to identify and remove people that don’t meet the needs of the department or public.  After attending this course; participants will have the tools to make personnel problems a thing of the past.  Executives and managers will be able to “see the future,” recognize personnel problems at their earliest onset, and then take the appropriate action.  This session will help every manager make better personnel decisions based on four key points:  Character, Skills, Aptitude, and Commitment.  Following these C-S-A-C principles will drastically improve every aspect of the human resource element in organizations regardless of the agency size or complexity of mission. 

Instructor:  John Mineau is Chief Deputy Sheriff of Monterey County and Corrections Operations Bureau Chief, as well as a community college instructor.

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