CSAC Bulletin Article

California District Attorneys Association – 2016 National Body Cam Technology & Policy Summit and Expo

January 8, 2016

The California District Attorneys Association (CDAA) is hosting their 2016 National Body Cam Technology & Policy Summit and Expo February 22-24, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency in Anaheim, CA. The two and a half day summit is composed of panels, training, and roundtable discussions to provide unbiased information for policy makers and leadership. The goal is to develop coherent, current, and sensible policies related to technology being made available to law enforcement. Key participants include members of the legislature, law enforcement, technical experts, and community social advocates. Topics include data storage; body cam case law; drone technology; privacy issues; public record requests; and chain of custody evidence. Law enforcement, policy makers, deputy district attorneys, mayors, and police chiefs are encouraged to attend.

For additional details and registration information please visit:https://registrations.cdaa.org/CalDA/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=NBC161302&WebsiteKey=6d235958-c66e-4899-ad63-691068eb13be

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