CSAC Bulletin Article

Cal/OSHA Publishes Model Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

March 14, 2024

Despite CSAC’s opposition, Governor Newsom signed SB 553 (Chapter 289, Statutes of 2023), which added Section 6401.9 to the California Labor Code to require employers to create workplace violence prevention plans. This law took effect on January 1, 2024.

Earlier this month, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (“Cal/OSHA”) published a Model Workplace Violence Prevention Plan to aid employers in formulating a plan that aligns with the stipulations. The use of this model template is optional, and perhaps too broad for counties to adopt entirely, but it does provide the necessary elements Cal/OSHA expects a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan to include and could minimize the risk of non-compliance for counties.

Cal/OSHA has also provided fact sheets for employers and employees, covering general operations in non-health care settings and agricultural operations. You can find those fact sheets here.

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