CSAC Bulletin Article

CDFA Releases FY 2020-21 Fair Funding Distribution Plan

October 1, 2020

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Fairs and Expositions Branch has announced the 2020-21 fair distribution of $12 million in allocations from two sources. The first source is a General Fund base allocation of $2.7 million statewide. The second source is AB 1499’s New Fair Funds, which CDFA anticipates reaching $9.3 million that will be allocated separately from the General Fund allocation.

AB 1499 (Gray 2017) requires a percentage of taxes derived on fair properties to be returned to fairs for a variety of projects. Allocations are by class size and while base allocations follow the current model. New Fair Funds include additional metrics for distribution that include both fair size and impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdowns.

CDFA’s letter detailing these allocations can be found here.

Grant agreements and the scope of work specific to New Fair Funds are currently being prepared for distribution. The grant agreements for the New Fairs Funds are expected to have a start date in October 2020 with an end date of June 30, 2021. Also, Executive Order N-40-20 suspending workforce conditions is still in place; however, if the Executive Order ends prior to the end date of the grant agreement, the fair will need to implement the required workforce conditions.

Although there is still uncertainty about the total amount of the New Fair Funds for FY 2020-21, CDFA has confirmed the availability for the first distribution of $5.7 million in New Fair Funds. Any additional funds that might become available under the AB 1499 New Fair Funds programs will be announced once that information becomes readily available. Please contact John Quiroz at 916-900-5025 or via email at John.Quiroz@cdfa.ca.gov with questions.

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