CSAC Bulletin Article

Health and Human Services 01/20/2012

AB 154 (Beall) – Support
As Amended on March 24, 2011

AB 154 by Assembly Member Jim Beall would require Knox-Keene licensed health plans to expand mental health coverage to include the diagnosis and treatment of any mental health condition or disorder as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM-IV) (or subsequent editions), including substance abuse and nicotine treatment. Assembly Bill 154 would also allow the newly established California Health Benefit Exchange to offer mental health services that conform with the minimum essential benefits package as outlined in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PL 111-148). 

Counties believe that AB 154, if enacted, would reduce costly hospitalizations, incarcerations, and homelessness, thereby reducing overall health care costs in the state. For example, according to the 2009 Almanac of Chronic Disease, people diagnosed with depression have nearly twice the annual health care costs of those without depression. AB 154 would help ensure that private health plans treat individuals with mental health, substance use or co-occurring disorders in a comprehensive and meaningful way. 

Assembly Appropriations Committee passed AB 154 on January 19. The measure is headed to the Assembly Floor.

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