CSAC Bulletin Article

AT HOME Momentum Continues
Coalition Sends Letter to Governor and Legislative Leaders

June 22, 2023

The AT HOME Coalition for Accountability today sent a letter to Governor Newsom and legislative leaders urgently calling for the inclusion of CSAC’s accountability framework in the 2023-24 state budget.

The policy recommendations contained in the Accountability pillar form the core elements of a proposed comprehensive homelessness system with clear responsibilities and accountability aligned to authority, resources, and flexibility for all levels of government. Our coalition is urging the adoption of these provisions as the Accountability framework for the budget trailer bill that is currently being negotiated.

The core elements of the Accountability pillar include:

  • Requiring local collaboration and submission of one countywide or regional homelessness plan.
  • Requiring counties and cities to agree to a defined set of roles and responsibilities as a condition of receiving HHAP funding.
  • Providing ongoing HHAP funding (awarded on a three-year grant cycle) to support the required plan.

Counties can help CSAC and the AT HOME Coalition for Accountability in our efforts to build momentum by sharing the letter with their delegation and advocating for inclusion of the framework across social media.

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