CSAC Bulletin Article

Housing, Land Use and Transportation 05/27/2011

SB 907 (Evans) – Support if Amended
As Amended on May 3, 2011

SB 907, by Senator Noreen Evans, would which would create the Master Plan for Infrastructure Financing and Development Commission and would require the Commission to prepare and submit a strategy and plan for infrastructure development in California by December 1, 2013. 

CSAC supports the creation of a Commission as a way to develop the necessary information to equip elected officials and decision-makers to plan for and ultimately provide much needed infrastructure in the state across a broad range of categories from transportation, water, schools, and housing, to name a few. 

However, while SB 907 explicitly states that the Commission shall consist of eleven members representing the business community, organized labor, the public, etc., local government has no official representation. As owners and operators of a significant amount of infrastructure in the state, such as the local street and road system of which counties and cities own and operate 82 percent of California’s total maintained miles, it is imperative the Commission have a local government member. The measure does not even provide that the task forces created to support the Commission have official local government representation. Therefore, we respectfully request an amendment to the measure to explicitly state that one member on the Commission shall represent county government. 

SB 907 was passed off of the Suspense File in the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 26 and now awaits action on the Senate Floor.

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