CSAC Bulletin Article

AT HOME Update

There are a number of important developments related to CSAC’s advocacy efforts in support of the Accountability pillar of AT HOME. Most significantly, CSAC has drafted the Accountability pillar as trailer bill language (TBL) and is advocating for its inclusion in the 2023-24 state budget. Below are further details on this and other AT HOME Accountability-related efforts. Please know that we remain fully immersed on all other aspects of AT HOME as well, including engaging on bills, budget investments, and federal efforts that align with all six pillars of AT HOME.

  • Trailer Bill Language – The AT HOME Accountability TBL would implement all aspects of the Accountability pillar including ongoing funding, clear lines of responsibility, and strong accountability measures. The Accountability TBL summary describes key changes from current law. Budget trailer bills are the implementing language of the budget, providing the requirements and rules for the money appropriated in the budget and passed after the Budget Act. We are sharing this TBL with the Administration and the Legislature. Please note that it does maintain some of the amendments found in the Administration’s HHAP TBL that appear technical in nature.
  • County Coalition Letter – In partnership with numerous county affiliates, CSAC sent letters today to the Governor and Legislative Leaders. The letters outline our budget ask for the AT HOME Accountability TBL.
  • Budget Subcommittee Hearings – In late April, both the Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees #4 held hearings that featured HHAP Accountability on the agenda. At the Senate hearing, Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia testified on a panel to outline the Accountability pillar and answer key questions about why this plan is needed to ensure defined responsibilities and enhanced accountability within the state’s approach to homelessness. At the Assembly hearing, CSAC provided public comments in support of the AT HOME Accountability pillar.
  • Coalition Update – CSAC and counties continue to do outreach to ask organizations to join the AT HOME Coalition for Accountability. Thank you to all of those counties that have adopted resolutions in support of AT HOME and are reaching out to local partners to ask them to join the coalition.

As we look ahead to the release of the Governor’s May Revision and the final month plus of an accelerated effort to finalize the 2023-24 state budget, CSAC will continue our leadership and focus on AT HOME. County voices will be a critical part of our upcoming efforts. Please be on the lookout for an action alert that we will distribute once we determine the best timing and manner for counties to weigh in following the May Revise and in support of our efforts with the AT HOME Accountability TBL.

Thank you for your partnership and support on this groundbreaking effort to create a comprehensive homelessness system in California.

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