CSAC Bulletin Article

Aging Network Report and Webinar

January 25, 2024

The California Department of Aging (CDA) has released a new report – California 2030: Recommendations for a Future-Ready California Aging Network. As a continuation of Master Plan for Aging work, CDA partnered with Collaborative Consulting and a Steering Committee featuring stakeholders from the key entities within the state’s aging network to examine what it will take to prepare for the growing older adult population. CSAC’s Supervisor representative on this committee was Mariposa County Supervisor Rosemarie Smallcombe and we extend our gratitude to her for her commitment, leadership, and significant contributions throughout this process.

Following a year of meetings, learning opportunities, and discussions, the CA 2030 report outlines a series of recommendations across nine different areas. Many recommendations are important for the work counties do to serve our aging population including recommendations related to funding levels, service availability and delivery, Area Agency on Aging (AAA) designation, performance metrics, and workforce. The recommendations are intended to guide future decisions by CDA and partner organizations to strengthen the aging network. CSAC is appreciative of the inclusion of the county perspective in these discussions and looks forward to a continuing partnership with CDA as any action steps are taken in response to the recommendations in the report.

CDA is hosting a webinar for those who are interested in learning more about the CA 2030 report.

When: January 30, 2024 at 10:30 A.M.

Where: Zoom

Register here.

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