CSAC Bulletin Article

Institute Impact: CSAC Institute Manager Shares Experience with Three Counties

January 4, 2024

The Foundation’s newest member – Amber Tarrac, who joined as the CSAC Institute Manager in October – recently had the opportunity to visit two of our on-site campuses. In Monterey, she addressed 50 Monterey County team members to welcome them and share how invaluable the Executive Credential and Fellowship programs were to her public service career. She reminded participants that if they have a conflict and need to miss a session, we have nine virtual online courses that just launched and to register here before they fill up.

Our new CSAC Institute Manager talking about earning and using her Executive Credential.

CSAC Instructor Vanessa Monroe then kicked off a phenomenal session about “Self Care for Leaders”. She led the room through stillness and breathing exercises before sharing personal stories from her experience in a 24/7 leadership role and as an attorney. Her training helped county leaders identify what they need to do to take care of themselves before they can take care of their teams. She discussed the benefits of self-care for the individual, the team, and the organization.

Vanessa Monroe discussing the importance of self-care.

Amber went on to connect with 52 Riverside and Orange County team members about “Leadership Brand” with CSAC Instructor Mira Ringler. This interactive training included exercises identifying how others perceive you as a county leader and how you perceive yourself. There were a number of “aha” moments where participants recognized what others see in them and how that leadership brand influences the perception of team members about them.

Mira challenged the group with considering “What are you known for?” and “What do you want to be known for?” Then, taking it a step further, “What are you going to commit to doing after this class to getting there?” The insights made an impact in the participant’s framework about their leadership brand.

Mira Ringler leading a group exercise on leadership brand development.


California Counties Foundation

CSAC Institute | CSAC Grants Initiative

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