The County Voice

CSAC Welcomes the Latino Caucus as our Newest Affiliate

One beauty of CSAC is its diversity. We are as diverse as California itself – geographically, politically and demographically. For CSAC to be truly reflective in policy development, though, it is important for us to be a reflection of the state residents we all represent. In that light, our officers enthusiastically supported the recent creation of the Latino Caucus of California Counties. Sacramento County Supervisor Phil Serna is serving as President of this new organization.

At our Board of Directors meeting on Nov. 29, the Latino Caucus was welcomed as our Association’s newest affiliate. Overall, CSAC has more than 40 affiliate associations tied to county government. They represent groups that have traditionally worked very closely with CSAC, such as the county administrators, county counsels, county engineers and welfare directors. They also include associations that are very issue-specific, such as the California County Librarians Association, Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association, and Information Services Directors Association.

All these groups have been approved by our Board of Directors over the years and welcomed into the CSAC family; their participation in our Association varies, but is always welcome. They are often actively involved with CSAC staff in the technical aspects of policy development, interpretation and implementation.

With the ongoing changing demographics in California, a new organization such as the Latino Caucus of California Counties is a welcome addition as an affiliate. While we will not necessarily look to them for technical input as we do our other affiliate organizations, their members can provide CSAC with a perspective on policy that is reflective of a large percentage of our state population.

The Latino Caucus provides us with a stronger voice in representing the growing Hispanic population in our state and sends a clear message that we expect the Legislature and Administration to serve all Californians.

We look forward to working closely with our newest affiliate, listening to their insight and recommendations. These can help make our Association stronger and more effective.

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