Health and Human Services 08/10/2012
AB 1560 (Fuentes) – Support
As Amended on May 25, 2012
AB 1560, by Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes, will help low-income
families who are eligible for the state’s Medi-Cal program to
also receive CalFresh nutritional benefits.
Specifically, AB 1560 would waive the gross income test for any
individual who receives, or is eligible to receive, Medi-Cal
medical benefits. The measure would also allow those who live in
households with those who receive or are eligible to receive
Medi-Cal benefits to qualify for the CalFresh program.
CSAC supports AB 1560, which was placed on the Suspense File by
the Senate Appropriations Committee on August 6.
AB 1640 (Mitchell) – Support
As Amended on May 25, 2012
AB 1640, by Assembly Member Holly Mitchell, would change the
state’s CalWORKs statute to allow for pregnant women (with no
other children in the household) to become eligible for CalWORKs
basic needs grants and full-scope 1931(b) Medi-Cal benefits upon
verification of a pregnancy.
CSAC supports AB 1640. On August 6, the Senate Appropriations
Committee placed AB 1640 on their Suspense File due to concerns
about state costs.
AB 540 (Beall) – Support
As Amended on August 15, 2011
AB 540, by Assembly Member Jim Beall, would allow counties to
draw down federal funding for providing confidential alcohol and
drug screening and brief intervention services to pregnant women
and women of childbearing age who also qualify for Medi-Cal
AB 540 would provide counties with a much-needed federal revenue
stream – at no cost to the state – for these valuable services,
and this is why CSAC supports the bill. The Senate Appropriations
Committee heard AB 540 on August 15 in 2011 and placed it on the
Suspense File. Assembly Member Beall is working to remove it from
the Suspense File and let the Senate vote on the measure before
the end of the 2-year legislative session on August 31. Counties
who have supported the measure should re-submit letters of
support to the Senate Appropriations Committee as soon as
Health Care Reform
SB 677 (Hernandez) – Support
As Amended on May 23, 2011
SB 677, by Senator Edward Hernandez, would implement two
provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) related to
determining eligibility for the Medicaid program. The measure
would implement the new federal income standards – the modified
adjusted gross income (MAGI) – for determining Medi-Cal
eligibility. Additionally, the measure would eliminate the asset
test for determining Medi-Cal eligibility. Both of these
eligibility changes would become effective January 1, 2014, in
conjunction with the effective date of the ACA.
Counties have long supported efforts to simplify the Medi-Cal
program, such as elimination of the asset test. We believe that
program simplification increases program efficiency. Reducing
complicated eligibility tests at the time when over a million
Californians will become newly eligible for Medi-Cal will assist
with easing enrollment.
CSAC, along with the Urban Counties Caucus (UCC), County Welfare
Directors Association (CWDA), California Mental Health Directors
Association (CMHDA), and the County Health Executives Association
of California (CHEAC), have joined together to take a support
position on SB 677. The Assembly Appropriations Committee placed
SB 677 on their Suspense File on August 8.
SB 703 (Hernandez) – Support
As Amended on June 15, 2012
SB 703, by Senator Ed Hernandez, would allow the state to create
a Basic Health Plan (BHP), a more affordable insurance option for
low-income adults who fall into the income “gap” between Medi-Cal
eligibility and being able to afford commercial health plan
The BHP would cover individuals earning between 133 percent and
200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, and offer an equal
level of benefits to commercial health plans available in the
California Health Benefits Exchange.
The CSAC Executive Committee voted to support SB 703 on August 2.
County supervisors believe a BHP will allow low-income
individuals to affordably purchase health insurance, thereby
lowering the number of uninsured adults in California. Clearly,
those who participate in the BHP will also see improved health
outcomes. Finally, from a county perspective, a BHP option will
help reduce the spiraling uncompensated care costs that many
public hospitals and local health clinics are currently
SB 703 was amended on June 25 and is currently on the Assembly
Appropriations Committee’s Suspense File. CSAC sent a letter of
support for SB 703 and asking that it be moved to the Assembly
SB 970 (de Léon) – Support
As Amended on May 29, 2012
SB 970, as amended on May 24 by Assembly Member Kevin de Léon,
would help integrate the process for applying for public programs
such as CalFresh and CalWORKs with the new online health coverage
application process that is under development by the
SB 970 would build on California’s existing service integration
by ensuring that people applying for health coverage through
CalHEERS can also begin the application process for other public
programs, including CalFresh and CalWORKs. A comprehensive
stakeholder workgroup, including representatives from county
human services departments, among others, would be established by
the bill to review whether additional programs should be included
in the process.
The Assembly Appropriations Committee placed SB 970 on the
Suspense File on August 8.
Public Health
AB 2109 (Pan) – Support
As Amended on June 20, 2012
AB 2109, by Assembly Member Richard Pan, would require a parent
or guardian seeking an immunization personal belief exemption for
their child to provide a document signed by themselves and a
licensed health care practitioner acknowledging that the parent
or guardian has been informed by the health care practitioner of
the benefits and risks of immunization as well as the health
risks associated with communicable diseases.
CSAC and the County Health Executives Association of California
(CHEAC) support AB 2109, which was passed by the Senate
Appropriations Committee on August 6. It now goes to the Senate
AB 2266 (Mitchell) – Support
As Amended on June 25, 2012
AB 2266, by Assembly Member Holly Mitchell, would allow
California to leverage significant federal funding create a
patient-centered “health home” program for Medi-Cal beneficiaries
who are frequent hospital users.
Specifically, the measure would allow California to utilize a 90
percent federal funding match for two years under the Affordable
Care Act to create a comprehensive program for frequent hospital
users. The program would include comprehensive engagement and
case management, hospital discharge planning, assistance with
accessing social services, and other proven strategies to
stabilize and effectively treat frequent hospital users. The
program goal is to stabilize – and even increase – the health of
frequent hospital users while reducing their utilization of
costly medical care.
Currently, 12 counties fund or manage home health programs for
frequent hospital users, and have realized medical cost savings
as a result. By allowing hospitals, community clinics, and
behavioral health care providers to offer health home services,
we believe counties and the state can achieve significant cost
savings for the sickest and most expensive users of hospital care
– all without incurring state costs for erecting a health home
CSAC supported AB 2266, but the Senate Appropriations Committee
placed it on their Suspense File on August 6 due to concerns
about state costs.
Child Welfare Services/Foster Care
SB 1319 (Liu) – Support
As Amended on June 11, 2012
SB 1319, by Senator Carol Liu, is a highly technical measure that
would make three small changes to existing law, but it will
streamline certain components of the foster care system for the
foster family homes, agencies, crisis nurseries and treatment
facilities that treat and house our state’s most vulnerable
The technical changes in the measure were proposed by San
Bernardino County and are supported by the County Welfare
Directors Association. The Assembly Appropriations Committee
passed SB 1319 on August 8 and it now goes to the Assembly
AB 1712 (Beall) – Support
As Amended on August 6, 2012
AB 1712, by Assembly Member Jim Beall, is a technical clean up
measure relating to 2010’s Fostering Connections to Success Act.
The Act extended foster care services to youth up to age 21 and
helps the state draw down additional foster care funding from the
federal government.
AB 1712 was created with input from counties, foster family
agencies, and myriad other stakeholders, all with a singular goal
in mind: To make foster care services as accessible and efficient
as possible for all youth and non-minor dependents that need
AB 1712 was amended in the Senate Appropriations Committee on
August 6, and will be heard again by the committee on August 13.
CalFresh (Formerly SNAP, Food Stamps)
SB 1391 (Liu) – Support
As Amended on August 6, 2012
SB 1391, by Senator Carol Liu, would establish procedures for
recovering CalFresh overissuances of more than $125 in accordance
with federal law.
The new procedures would apply to current and former CalFresh
recipients and would help streamline the collection process for
overissuances resulting from administrative errors, while keeping
the existing regulatory structure for cases of inadvertent
household error, intentional program violation, and fraud in
Counties and County Welfare Directors support raising the
threshold for recovering CalFresh overissuances to $125 because
it will allow our eligibility workers to focus on the more
egregious instances while also providing more time for caseload
The author and sponsor (Western Center on Law and Poverty) of the
measure are also working with counties to establish a realistic
implementation timeline, possibly October 2012.
CSAC, along with the County Welfare Directors Association,
support SB 1391, which was passed by the Assembly Human Services
Committee on June 26. The Assembly Appropriations Committee
placed SB 1391 on the Suspense File on August 8.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
AB 1944 (Gatto) – Oppose
As Amended on June 28, 2012
AB 1944, by Assembly Member Mike Gatto, would give employers
increased authority over disciplinary investigations and actions
for paramedics in their employ.
Counties are concerned that AB 1944 would weaken the authority of
local and state EMS agency medical directors to protect patients
from individuals that pose a threat to the public’s health and
safety, regardless of employer.
CSAC, along with the County Health Executives Association of
California (CHEAC), oppose the measure. The Senate Appropriations
Committee placed AB 1944 on their Suspense File on August 6 due
to concerns about state costs.